Apollo: Youth in Medicine

About Apollo: Youth in Medicine
Apollo: Youth in Medicine is a unique student-run program that helps provide insight into the physician career path to interested high school students. The mission of Apollo is to reduce barriers for high school students as they seek to explore their interest in the medical field. Apollo helps expose high school students to the medical profession by offering access to in-person physician shadowing, supported by educational sessions and Enhanced Experiences. There is no cost to the student.
Apollo was founded in the summer of 2018 by three high school students and community leaders with the support of the Medical Society of Delaware (MSD) and the Delaware Youth Leadership Program (DYLN).
(Fall 2018-Fall 2023)
Shadow Slots
High School Students
Statewide Program
Shadow Hours
High Schools
Specialties & Primary Care
Our History
In the summer of 2018, both Arjan Kahlon and Sean Holly enjoyed the experience of shadowing physicians in medical settings. They were appreciative of the valuable insight it gave into a possible career in medicine. Aware that shadowing was often inaccessible to high schoolers, they collaborated to find a solution that would give their peers wider access to such opportunities.
Apollo: Youth in Medicine was co-founded in 2018 by Sean Holly, Arjan Kahlon, and John Kepley with the support of the Medical Society of Delaware (MSD) and the Delaware Youth Leadership Network (DYLN).
This team launched an inaugural Fall 2018 Shadow Session in November, which included 4 high schools and two dozen students. Grant funding was given by the Delaware Medical Education Foundation (DMEF).
After its inaugural year, where Apollo exhibited both proof of concept and a community need for the project, the program added more high schools and volunteer physicians and expanded its Leadership Team.
Apollo has presented in front of multiple state agencies, including the Delaware Health Care Commission and Delaware Institute for Medical Education and Research, and now hosts students from more than 2 dozen high schools across Delaware, becoming the first state-wide high school physician shadowing program in the US.
In early 2020, when COVID-19 necessitated the suspension of in-person physician shadowing, Apollo pivoted quickly and organized a 4-week remote educational session for its students in the summer, and continued through the year with exclusive virtual experiences featuring immersive activities (see Education) with a diverse set of medical professionals.
Since Fall 2021, all participating students have been required to shadow at least one primary care physician prior to exploring specialties. This reaffirms that primary care is the root of strong medical care and demonstrates its importance in building a healthy community for us all.
Beginning in Fall 2023, a partnership was initiated between LYTE Scholars of Wilmington and Apollo. A new application pathway was established to enhance the participation of under-represented youth. Existing LYTE Scholars are encouraged to contact their LYTE mentors for information.
Apollo is offered at no cost to the students. The Apollo Leadership Team is led by the volunteer efforts of several focused & resourceful students who are firmly supported by the Medical Society of Delaware (MSD). The team is further strengthened by the engagement of high school counselor Tiffany Carrington.
The Apollo program is thankful for the continued support of our Apollo Physician Volunteers, the Delaware Medical Education Foundation (DMEF), and the Delaware Youth Leadership Network (DYLN).